Thursday, April 2, 2020

Matthew 6:21

In whom have you made a great investment?  A family member?  A friend?  Your teammates or coaches?   What happens between you and those in whom you make such investments?  The Bible is full of insight into such human relations matters.  One such instance follows.

In Matthew chapter 6 and verse 21, Jesus tells his followers, "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  We might say the same thing in our culture as, "your heart will have affection for the things in which you invest yourself." 

What sort of things do you give your heart to?  To what kinds of people?  If you look closely I believe you'll find that you have the greatest affection for the things and people in whom you've made the deepest investments of your time, money and emotion.

So what should we do today?  Commit yourself to investing deeply in your teammates, in the team as a whole.  Buy into the team's goals, follow the coaching staff's leadership.  Make a solid investment in anything and you'll find that you grow in your affection for it. 

Jesus is very smart.  He knows that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.  Make your investment on the floor today.  Empty your soul's pockets of everything you brought to the competition.  Sell out in your effort, invest everything you have, in any way can for your team/family.  Your collective goals will be realized as you each make your individual investments.

Bible Reading Plan:
Mark 1:9-20
I Corinthians 1:18-31
Psalms 73
Joshua 3-5