Saturday, January 18, 2020

G U A R D   Y O U R   H E A R T
Proverbs 4:23

To whom have you given your heart?  Your boyfriend or girlfriend?   An intimate friend and confidant?  Family?  The Lord Jesus?  Be careful...

In the book of Proverbs at chapter 4 and verse 23 it says, “Guard your heart with all diligence,  for from it flow the springs of life.”

Why would a person's heart be of such value that the Bible would say to guard it with all diligence?  The verse says that from it flow the springs of life.  The things that keep our life fresh and clean, like spring water, flow from our hearts.  If our hearts are pure and unspoiled, we can honor God with all of our lives.  However if we're polluted in our hearts, everything about us is unclean and lacks life giving freshness.

So what shall we do?  Guard your heart.  Be careful who you choose for friends.  Consider prayerfully the people you date and be very sober and sure about choosing a spouse.  Guard your heart.  If you compromise the purity of your heart to make a friend or to impress a lover, you're in peril of polluting the spring.

In today's prayer time, commit your heart to the Lord.  Ask Him to help you guard it with all diligence and to maintain its purity.

Bible Reading Plan:
Matthew 7:15-29
Acts 10:24-48
Psalms 18:1-24
Genesis 39-40