Thursday, January 30, 2020

Acts 11:23

Payday for coaches comes when they see evidence that their team “gets it.”  When they see that the team understands and does what they want, that’s as good as it gets.  They’re enthused, happy, thrilled and renewed in their commitment to the team.  Today’s scripture shows us an example of this dynamic.

In the book of Acts at chapter 11 and verse 23 we read, “When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.”  Paul was thrilled to see these people doing so well and encouraged them to love God with all their hearts.

Paul the Apostle and your coaches know that doing things with all our hearts is the key to achievement.  He saw evidence that his goals for them were being achieved and it thrilled him.  Your coaches see such evidence in you and they encourage you to give all your hearts in pursuit of your goals.  These are the great rewards of coaching.

I’d like to join Paul and your coaching staff as we encourage you to give your absolute best today.  Compete in total abandon.  Pursue a victory with all your heart.  Sell out 100% to your teammates, your coaches and to pursue God’s best.

Bible Reading Plan:
Matthew 5:13-20
Acts 7:39-60