Friday, December 20, 2019

Luke 2:51

To whom are you a treasure?  Who recalls the events of your life as a precious commodity?  Probably you’re thinking of your parents or maybe an old coach of yours, maybe even your best friend.  How strongly do you think they hold to those memories?  Today’s scripture may give us some insight into the value we hold for those closest to us.

In Luke chapter 2 and verse 51 we read, “Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them.  But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.”  Even when he was just 12 years old, Jesus was an amazing young man. Daily he did and said things that astounded his mother.  You see her attitude in the last sentence, “But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.”

Neither you nor I are just like Jesus, but we are treasured in much the same way by those close to us.  You are a treasure of infinite value to many.  You may be aware of how much you’re loved by some, but your influence with others may escape your notice.  There may be some at today’s competition or tomorrow’s practice who treasure every word and event of your life.

As you prepare to compete today, please be fully aware of your value to the team, to your family and friends and to me.  We’re as proud of you as Mary was of Jesus and we treasure each day with you in our hearts.  Compete today with all the confidence and joy that comes from heartfelt love and devotion.

Bible Reading Plan:
John 20:1-9
Revelation 17
Job 38:22-41
Zephaniah 3