Sunday, March 8, 2020

I Thessalonians 5:24

Have you ever had a sense that God was calling you to do something?  Did the task seem too great or your resources seem too small?  Did the call of God overwhelm you and cause you to doubt whether you had really heard Him at all?  The Scripture speaks directly to our fears and doubts related to God's call.

In Paul's first letter to his friends in Thessalonica at chapter 5 and verse 24 it says, Faithful is He who calls you, and He will also bring it to pass. 

This is a marvelous promise for those who hear God's call.  It says nothing about the abilities of the hearer, but says volumes about the One who does the calling.  He is called faithful, that is fully reliable to do that which He promised.  That's encouraging!  Further it says that He will bring it to pass.  That's a whole lot better than saying that He'd watch as I bring it to pass. 

This powerful verse causes me to trust in the Lord all the way through this marvelous process called pursuing the Lord's will.  He does the calling and the carrying out of His will.  My part is to answer His call and to make myself available for His service.

In today's time of prayer, ask the Lord to make His call clear in your life.  Commit your life to Him, trusting in His power for both the hearing and the doing of His will.

Bible Reading Plan:
Matthew 23:25-39
Romans 6:1-14
Numbers 18-20

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...