Sunday, February 9, 2020

Acts 15:9

What distinctions are easily made between your teammates?  Surely you’re different in terms of size, strength, speed, agility, skill, intelligence, background and more.  What can be done to override these distinctions and to unify your team?  Today’s scripture gives us an idea of what God uses to unify people.

In the 15th chapter of Acts at verse 9 we read, “He made no distinction between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.”  Here’s Peter, a formerly terribly bigoted man, appealing for others to accept people that he would have hated just days before.  His heart was changed and he helped unify a very diverse set of people. 

They key to such unity is a heart made pure by faith.  Faith is active trust.  A pure heart can see past the distinctions to the hearts of his teammates.  A heart, made pure by faith, can see through the external differences to the essence of another.

As you prepare for today’s competition, purify your heart by faith.  Actively trust God to change your heart.  Trust your teammates as you pursue a victory.  Trust your coaching staff to enable you to compete at your best.

Bible Reading Plan:
Matthew 13:44-58
Acts 19:23-41
Psalms 32
Exodus 24-26

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...