Friday, February 14, 2020

Mark 9:23

What are the limiting factors for you in relation to achievement?  What is the greatest thing you think you're capable of accomplishing?  Do you believe you're able to achieve everything God has called you to do? 

In Mark's gospel at chapter 9 and verse 23, Jesus speaks to a man with a great problem, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” 

This man was faced with his son's terrible affliction and struggled to believe the Lord would free him from it.  Jesus tells him that all things are possible to him who believes.  Believes in what?  In this case in the goodness, compassion and mercy of God. 

What is it you're having trouble believing?  What is there about life that keeps you from fully trusting the Lord?  Look fully upon the Lord Jesus and trust Him.  He says to you the same words He said to that man.

In your prayers today, ask the Lord to help your unbelief.  Ask Him for more grace to trust Him.  Tell Him that you believe in Him and in all that He can do in you.  Commit yourself fully to Him for all of life.

Bible Reading Plan:
Matthew 16:1-12
Acts 22
Psalms 37:1-22
Exodus 35-37

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...