Thursday, December 12, 2019

Proverbs 13:20

How have you chosen your friends?  With whom do you hang out?  What kind of people do you spend the most time with?  The Bible has a lot to say about what makes for good friends and what kind of people we become as a result.  One such passage follows.

In the Proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 it says, “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”

You probably know someone who has chosen to make fools his constant companions.  He hangs out with people who continually make bad choices.  The warning of this verse is that people who choose fools for friends will suffer for it.  They sometimes suffer financially, sometimes physically, often with great heartache.

The promise contained here is that if we choose to spend time with people who display wisdom, we too will become wise.  We must be purposeful about with whom we spend our time and invest our lives.  When we walk with someone we're obviously going the same direction and have the same destination in mind.  Let's choose our friends, mentors and teammates with this in mind and I'm sure we'll grow wise together.

Pray for wisdom in choosing friends and in choices about how to use your time.

Bible Reading Plan:
John 17:20-26
Revelation 9
Job 33:12-33
Obadiah 1-21

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...