Saturday, October 12, 2019

Proverbs 16:9

Have you ever wondered why your path through life has zigzagged sometimes?  Does it seem that your path to a championship has been sidetracked?  How did I wind up here?  Lots of athletes ask those kinds of questions in their pursuit of excellence.

In Proverbs chapter 16 and verse 9 we read, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”
Every athlete I know sometimes lies on his bed and dreams about what he’d like to achieve, the awards that he’d like to win, the career that he’d like to pursue.  In his mind he plans his way.

But somewhere along the way to those dreams becoming reality, he gets sidetracked and before long he’s not sure how he got here.  Here’s the comforting word in this verse.  It’s the Lord’s way to direct our steps along the way to fulfilling His purposes in our lives.  The Lord can see very clearly the best path for us and everything we need in preparation for our ultimate place of serving Him.

It’s good to make our plans, but it the Lord’s place to direct our steps along the way.

You’ve made your plans… a championship.  Now pursue it with all you have and don’t be frustrated if that wanders through a long stretch of practices, injuries and disappointments.  Compete greatly today!

Bible Reading Plan:
James 5:13-20
Ecclesiastes 9
Jeremiah 30-31

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...