Monday, September 30, 2019

John 3:30

What does true humility look like?  Is it that, “Aw, shucks, it weren’t nothing,” kick the dirt with your head down and slumping shoulders look?  Maybe it’s the quiet, “Thank you,” when you’ve been complimented.  Maybe it’s something even greater.

In John’s Gospel at chapter 3 and verse 30 we read, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  These are the words of John the Baptist as his younger cousin, Jesus of Nazareth, is being criticized. 

Please bear in mind that this man, John, is the first one in 400 years to do the job he’s doing.  HE’S THE MAN!!  There’s nobody else in his league.  Up comes Jesus and John immediately deflects the praise and honor to Him.  Even more, he says that Jesus must increase and John must decrease.

This is true humility.  John knew who was greater, it was Jesus.  He knew that Jesus was God and thus gave Him the respect and honor He was due.

A similar dynamic works on good teams.  We all know who the most talented players are and who is best to have the ball in the most crucial moments.  Let’s defer to them like John did to Jesus.  For the good of the team, let’s give proper respect and honor to our teammates.  In exercising proper humility, we will find ourselves to be winners of another sort, the godly sort.  Have a great game today.

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 23:26-31
Hebrews 10:1-18

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...