Saturday, May 30, 2020

P o s s i b i l i t i e s
Matthew 19:26

Which of your preseason goals seem to be presently impossible?  Which seem totally beyond your grasp?

In Matthew chapter 19 and verse 26, Jesus says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

There are times when our dreams are shattered and our goals seem beyond human attainment.  These are the perfect times to turn to God.  God specializes in making the impossible a reality.

Jesus assures us that with men much is impossible, but with God all things are possible.  Nothing is beyond His reach or outside His ability.

As you prepare to compete today, ask the Lord to fill you with His infinite ability.  Trust Him to help you compete at the highest level of achievement possible.

Bible Reading Plan:
Mark 13:14-31
II Corinthians 12:1-10

L E G A C Y II Corinthians 3:2-3 Who are the coaches and players in your team’s history that are still impacting your lives today?  ...